Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Great Job! You made it through your first week of Abe's Army, and with any luck you will make it through week 2 without getting caught in a thunderstorm. The weather has created an unusual start to our training. At high temps in the low 50's our first night, everyone was all too ready to get running and warm up. However, it won't be long until we're all sweating and taking notice of our midwestern weather. Week 1 included a 3.1 mile run, and if you are following our training log, you will see that we are scheduled to run 4 miles for week 2. Check out this link to see what we have planned http://www.favoriterun.com/215918 Our route will include a winding run over to Lincoln Park (that will hopefully include a water break) and back around into the Fairgrounds via 8th Street. We will try to vary the route each week, so that we are able to cover the course, as well as prevent boredom. It is likely that we will begin to vary up our meeting locations later in the training. Additional opportunities to run throughout the week will also be available. Group members are also encouraged to meet up with each other at additional times throughout the week for continued support. For those of you concerned about your speed or about keeping up with faster group members-don't! There will be a leader at the beginning and end of the group and we will expect some differences in speed among members. We will go your pace and take it nice and slow if you you're feeling winded. Days will continue to get warmer and more humid, so remember to drink lots of water throughout the day leading up to a run.
Don't forget to bring some group name ideas to share at our second night's run!
See you at the Fairgrounds at 5:45!

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